Official site of

Children's Hymenoptera Venom Allergy
Quality of Life Scale



Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the scale [1]: internal consistency of 5 of the subscales, measured with Cronbach alpha coeffcient [14], is slightly higher than 0.8 (maximum 0.83), or close to this value (for support subscale alpha=0.79). Only for feeling of safety subscale this coefficient reached smaller value, equal 0.72. All these values are acceptable for group comparisons [15]. Reliability of the subscales was evaluated in terms of IRT in case of 5 subscales (except feeling of safety) using Mokken scaling [16]. Rho coefficient reached values ranging from 0.82 to 0.85 - slightly higher or equal than alpha coefficient for respective subscale. Homegeneity of these 5 subscales was higher than 0.6, indicating strong hierarchical relationship between all subscales' items [17].

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© 2013 Ewa Cichocka-Jarosz.